Weather and Seasons in Spanish
Weather and Seasons in Spanish
This lesson is designed to introduce you to the terms and phrases related to weather and seasons in
Weather and Seasons (El Tiempo y Las Estaciones) This lesson is designed to introduce you to the terms and phrases related to weather and seasons in Spanish. Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Identify and use Spanish vocabulary related to weather and seasons. Understand and use phrases to discuss weather conditions and seasonal changes. Describe weather forecasts and plan activities based on weather conditions in Spanish. Vocabulary Weather Terms: calor (heat), frío (cold), lluvia (rain), nieve (snow), viento (wind), etc. Seasons: primavera (spring), verano (summer), otoño (fall), invierno (winter). Weather Conditions: soleado (sunny), nublado (cloudy), húmedo (humid), seco (dry), etc. Descriptive Terms: temperatura (temperature), pronóstico (forecast), clima (climate), etc. Phrases ¿Cómo está el tiempo hoy? (What is the weather like today?) Va a llover mañana. (It is going to rain tomorrow.) En verano hace mucho calor. (In summer, it's very hot.) Prefiero el clima seco. (I prefer dry weather.) Exercises NOTE: These exercises will be handed out at the end of the lesson. Vocabulary Quiz: Test your knowledge of the new vocabulary with a multiple-choice quiz. Weather Matching: Match Spanish weather phrases with their English translations. Role Play: Practice using your new vocabulary in context by playing the role of a weather reporter giving a forecast, or two friends planning a weekend outing based on the weather. Writing Exercise: Write a short paragraph describing your favorite season and the typical weather during that season using the new vocabulary and phrases. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of how to discuss weather and seasons in Spanish. We look forward to seeing you in class!
125 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong