Top 100 Spanish Words Every Beginner Should Know
Title: Top 100 Spanish Words Every Beginner Should Know
Greetings, Super Learners!
Embarking on the journey to learn Spanish is an exhilarating adventure, and having the right set of words can make all the difference. Today, we're sharing the ultimate list: the Top 100 Spanish Words every beginner should know. These words are the building blocks that will help you create a solid foundation in your new language.
Before we dive into this vocabulary gold mine, let's make sure you're fully equipped for your learning expedition. Subscribe to our blog to not miss out on any essential language resources, and follow our YouTube channel, Spanish Super Tutor, for vibrant lessons that bring these words to life!
Now, without further ado, let's explore these must-know words!
The Basics
Sí - Yes
No - No
Por favor - Please
Gracias - Thank you
Perdón - Sorry
Hola - Hello
Adiós - Goodbye
Buenos días - Good morning
Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
Buenas noches - Good evening/night
Yo - I
Tú - You (informal)
Él/Ella - He/She
Nosotros/as - We
Vosotros/as - You all (informal, Spain)
Ustedes - You all (formal, and informal in Latin America)
Ellos/Ellas - They
Common Verbs
Ser - To be (essential characteristics)
Estar - To be (temporary states)
Tener - To have
Hacer - To do/make
Ir - To go
Poder - To be able to/can
Decir - To say
Ver - To see
Dar - To give
Saber - To know (facts, information)
Question Words
¿Quién? - Who?
¿Qué? - What?
¿Cuándo? - When?
¿Dónde? - Where?
¿Por qué? - Why?
¿Cómo? - How?
¿Cuánto/a? - How much?
¿Cuántos/as? - How many?
Cero - Zero
Uno - One
Dos - Two
Tres - Three
Cuatro - Four
Cinco - Five
Seis - Six
Siete - Seven
Ocho - Eight
Nueve - Nine
Diez - Ten
Common Adjectives
Grande - Big/large
Pequeño/a - Small
Bueno/a - Good
Malo/a - Bad
Bonito/a - Pretty
Feo/a - Ugly
Nuevo/a - New
Viejo/a - Old
Mucho/a - Much/many
Poco/a - Little/few
Common Adverbs
Sí - Yes
No - No
También - Also/too
Solo - Only
Aquí/Allí - Here/There
Muy - Very
Bastante - Quite
Bien - Well
Mal - Badly
A - To
De - Of/from
En - In/on
Con - With
Sin - Without
Por - For/by
Para - For/in order to
Entre - Among/between
Y - And
O - Or
Pero - But
Porque - Because
Como - As/since
Useful Nouns
Gente - People
**Amigo/a - Friend
Cosa - Thing
Tiempo - Time/weather
Día - Day
Hombre - Man
Mujer - Woman
Niño/a - Child
Trabajo - Work
Casa - House
Vida - Life
Mano - Hand
Food and Drinks
Comida - Food
Agua - Water
Café - Coffee
Té - Tea
Leche - Milk
Pan - Bread
Fruta - Fruit
Carne - Meat
Pescado - Fish
Verdura - Vegetable
These 100 words are the bedrock of countless conversations you'll have in Spanish. Start by familiarizing yourself with them, practice their pronunciation, and then begin forming simple sentences. Remember, repetition is key to retention, so revisit these words daily until they become second nature.
To supercharge your learning, subscribe to our blog for more Spanish language resources. Jump over to our YouTube channel, Spanish Super Tutor, and join our community where you can practice these words through interactive lessons, engaging dialogues, and much more.
Embrace the challenge, celebrate every small victory, and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Spanish language and culture. Your journey to fluency is just beginning, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
Happy learning and hasta la próxima,
Your Spanish Super Tutor Team