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Survival Spanish: Phrases to Know in Case of Emergency

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Survival Spanish: Phrases to Know in Case of Emergency
Survival Spanish: Phrases to Know in Case of Emergency

¡Hola, Super Learners!

It's Miguel Marina, your trusty Spanish Super Tutor, back with a lesson that could literally be a lifesaver. Before we get into it, make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter. It's your daily dose of Spanish, and it's becoming as popular as paella on Sundays!

But first, how about a chuckle to kick things off? Why don't skeletons fight each other? Because they don't have the guts... or in Spanish, "Porque no tienen las tripas." 😄

Ay, I apologize if that was a bit too "bare-bones," but laughter is the best way to remember new words, right?

Now, onto something a bit more serious but incredibly important: Survival Spanish: Phrases to Know in Case of Emergency.

In Case of Health Emergencies:

  • Necesito ayuda.

  • I need help.

  • Me siento mal.

  • I feel sick.

  • Llame a una ambulancia, por favor.

  • Please call an ambulance.

  • ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano?

  • Where is the nearest hospital?

If You Get Lost:

  • Estoy perdido/a.

  • I am lost.

  • ¿Puede ayudarme a encontrar esta dirección?

  • Can you help me find this address?

  • ¿Cómo llego a...?

  • How do I get to...?

During Natural Disasters:

  • ¿Qué está pasando?

  • What's happening?

  • Busco un lugar seguro.

  • I'm looking for a safe place.

  • ¿Hay alguna zona de evacuación cerca?

  • Is there an evacuation area nearby?

If You're in Danger:

  • ¡Socorro! / ¡Auxilio!

  • Help!

  • Alguien me está siguiendo.

  • Someone is following me.

  • Por favor, necesito la policía.

  • Please, I need the police.

It's crucial to practice these phrases regularly so they come to mind easily in a stressful situation. For more practice resources, remember to check out our YouTube channel ( and our Spotify podcast (

We also have daily classes with a diverse team of top-notch teachers who will help you understand the nuances of the language from different regions. This is especially helpful when it comes to understanding various accents in an emergency.

As we wrap up this essential lesson, I want to remind you again: There are countless places to take Spanish classes online, but if what you want is to really learn Spanish, come to Spanish Super Tutor.

¡Hasta la próxima, Super Learners! Keep practicing those emergency phrases; they might just save the day one day.

Con cariño y siempre a tu lado en caso de emergencia,Miguel Marina (The Spanish Super Tutor)


  • Survival Spanish

  • Emergency Phrases in Spanish

  • Spanish for Travelers

  • Essential Spanish Phrases

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