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Stories in 100 words. The girl with the ball

Stories in 100 words. The girl with the ball
Stories in 100 words. The girl with the ball

Juan camina solo por el parque. Las hojas caen lentamente alrededor. Siente la brisa fría en su rostro. De repente, una pelota golpea su pie. Una niña corre hacia él riendo y se disculpa. Juan sonríe y patea la pelota de vuelta. La niña grita de alegría. En ese momento, Juan no se siente solo. Una simple conexión lo llena de calidez. Siguen jugando hasta que anochece. Se despiden como amigos. Juan se va con el corazón feliz, sabiendo que los pequeños momentos importan.

Juan walks alone in the park. The leaves fall slowly around him. He feels the cold breeze on his face. Suddenly, a ball hits his foot. A girl runs to him laughing and apologizes. Juan smiles and kicks the ball back. The girl shouts with joy. In that moment, Juan doesn't feel alone. A simple connection fills him with warmth. They keep playing until dusk falls. They say goodbye as friends. Juan leaves with a happy heart, knowing that little moments matter.

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