Spanish Vocabulary for Foodies: Describing Flavors and Dishes

Hola, Super Learners!
Miguel Marina, at your service, your go-to Spanish Super Tutor, serving up another scrumptious lesson. Before we sink our teeth into today's topic, let's not forget to subscribe to our newsletter, where you'll learn Spanish with a flavor that's as addictive as tapas on a Friday night!
But wait! It's time for our daily giggle: What does a Spanish chef say when they're missing an ingredient? "No hay problema, I'll just wing it with my 'im-pepino-tion' skills!" 🥒
Oops, that one might have been a little too corny, or should I say, "maíz-y"? Alright, enough with the food puns, let's get down to business!
Spanish Vocabulary for Foodies: Describing Flavors and Dishes
If you're a food lover, knowing how to express the nuances of flavors and describe dishes is like having the secret recipe to a culinary treasure trove. Let's savor these delicious words and phrases together.
Describing Flavors:
Dulce (sweet)
"Este pastel está muy dulce, pero me encanta." (This cake is very sweet, but I love it.)
Salado (salty)
"Las patatas fritas están un poco saladas para mi gusto." (The fries are a bit salty for my taste.)
Amargo (bitter)
"El chocolate negro puede ser bastante amargo." (Dark chocolate can be quite bitter.)
Ácido (sour)
"La limonada casera tiene un toque ácido refrescante." (The homemade lemonade has a refreshing sour touch.)
Picante (spicy)
"La salsa picante realmente tiene un buen golpe." (The hot sauce really packs a punch.)
Describing Textures:
Crujiente (crispy)
"Me gusta el pollo cuando la piel está bien crujiente." (I like the chicken when the skin is nice and crispy.)
Tierno (tender)
"Este filete está tan tierno que se deshace en la boca." (This steak is so tender it melts in your mouth.)
Esponjoso (fluffy)
"Estos panqueques son tan esponjosos como una nube." (These pancakes are as fluffy as a cloud.)
Cremoso (creamy)
"La textura cremosa de este helado es perfecta." (The creamy texture of this ice cream is perfect.)
Describing Dishes:
Una mezcla de sabores (a blend of flavors)
"Esta paella es una mezcla de sabores que celebra el mar y la tierra." (This paella is a blend of flavors that celebrates the sea and the land.)
Plato principal (main dish)
"El plato principal será un bacalao al pil-pil." (The main dish will be cod in pil-pil sauce.)
Entrante (starter/appetizer)
"Como entrante, recomiendo el gazpacho andaluz." (As a starter, I recommend the Andalusian gazpacho.)
Postre (dessert)
"¿Hay espacio para el postre? El flan de la casa es excepcional." (Is there room for dessert? The house flan is exceptional.)
Hungry for more? Don't forget to feast your eyes on our YouTube channel ( and savor our Spotify podcast ( for all the Spanish flavors you can handle.
And remember, we have daily classes with a buffet of qualified teachers, each bringing their own regional spice to the table, enriching your learning experience.
As we wrap up this flavorful session, let me leave you with this: You can find many online Spanish classes, but if you want to savor the language and truly learn Spanish, there's only one Spanish Super Tutor.
¡Hasta la próxima, Super Learners! Keep tasting the rich variety of Spanish vocabulary, and remember, "Si estás buscando clases online de español en internet puedes encontrar muchas pero si lo que quieres es aprender español, Spanish Super Tutor."
Con cariño y un paladar listo para más aventuras,Miguel Marina (The Spanish Super Tutor)
Spanish Vocabulary for Foodies
Describing Flavors in Spanish
Spanish Food Descriptions
Learn Spanish for Dining
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