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Learning Spanish for business: knowledge of specific vocabulary

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Learning Spanish for business
Learning Spanish for business

Learning Spanish for business requires knowledge of specific vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in business situations. Here are some examples of verbs, situations, and phrases that are especially relevant for business Spanish:

Common Verbs:

  1. Negociar: To negotiate

  2. Invertir: To invest

  3. Gestionar: To manage

  4. Planificar: To plan

  5. Contratar: To hire

  6. Vender: To sell

  7. Comprar: To buy

  8. Ejecutar: To execute

  9. Analizar: To analyze

  10. Presentar: To present

Common Situations:

  1. Reuniones de negocios: Business meetings

  2. Presentaciones de ventas: Sales presentations

  3. Negociaciones de contratos: Contract negotiations

  4. Entrevistas de trabajo: Job interviews

  5. Conferencias y seminarios: Conferences and seminars

  6. Discusiones de estrategia: Strategy discussions

  7. Conversaciones telefónicas y por correo electrónico: Phone calls and email conversations

Common Phrases:

  1. "Me gustaría presentar una propuesta..." - I would like to present a proposal...

  2. "¿Podríamos discutir los términos del contrato?" - Could we discuss the terms of the contract?

  3. "¿Cuál es la proyección de ventas para el próximo trimestre?" - What is the sales projection for the next quarter?

  4. "Estoy interesado en invertir en su compañía." - I am interested in investing in your company.

  5. "Nuestra estrategia de marketing para este año es..." - Our marketing strategy for this year is...

  6. "Nos gustaría expandir nuestro mercado a..." - We would like to expand our market to...

  7. "¿Podemos programar una reunión para la próxima semana?" - Can we schedule a meeting for next week?

These are just a few examples. Effective learning of business Spanish requires a broader and deeper understanding of Spanish language and culture, as well as a grasp of the specific business terminology and practices of the industry you are working in.

Learning Spanish for business


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