Learn Spanish with the boy bought a goalkeeper's jersey
The number one, he also put the number one on his back and above it his name. Agustin.

This is the story of a friend who moved in with his girlfriend and then things started to get worse, Elena showed a strong character and Agustín just didn't feel comfortable at home.
Agustín and Marta had been dating for a couple of years, they seemed to be made for each other; concerts, reading, art workshops... they did everything together, holding hands and looking like they were in love. They were the envy of friends, I wish my relationship was like that - I thought on more than one occasion. They felt so good with each other that they decided to take the step of moving in together, and spend 24 hours together. They rented a flat in a traditional neighbourhood in Madrid, it was old but it was very nice and they had a lot of taste in decorating it. Everything looked very good.
I've known Agus since I was six years old and we've always been very good friends and although we didn't live near each other we kept in touch and from time to time I would visit them at their house, we would drink a few beers, smoke a few joints (at that time) and laugh a lot. A lot.
One day, visiting them, I saw that Marta was in a bad mood not only with Agustín but she seemed to be angry with me too, I didn't give her too much importance although I decided to leave after 10 minutes as there was tension in the air and the atmosphere was a bit uncomfortable. Agus accompanied me to the car and told me that the relationship wasn't working, he told me that Marta's character was very strong and that everything seemed wrong to her. That sweet girlfriend had become the woman of anger! He said that she raised her voice and made him feel very bad. Agus was tired of all this but I wanted to give her time to see if things would change and they would go back to being as happy as they once were. We hugged and promised to see each other soon.
Two or three months later Agus came to town and called me, it was 20 o'clock on a Wednesday evening, he wanted to see me and I invited him home. When I opened the door I saw him with a six-pack of beer in one hand, I made him come in, we hugged and I told him
- What are you doing dressed as a goalkeeper?
- Now I'll tell you, I don't know if you're going to laugh or cry - he answered me.
The relationship with Marta had not improved at all and in order to be away from home for a few hours and a few days Agustín had a great idea. Oscar's. He pretended to have signed up for a football team to spend time with himself or, in other words, not to spend so much time with his girlfriend, this would serve as an escape for a couple of afternoons a week, claiming training sessions and on Saturday morning justifying a match that didn't exist. I laughed, with a lot of respect for my friend but I laughed.
Agus had gone to a sports shop, bought two green football goalkeeper jerseys, screen-printed his name and the number one - number one fucking one! He chose to be a fictitious goalkeeper over a fictitious player because of the number 1 and because he knew it would be more believable to pretend to be a goalkeeper than a player because one day in primary school he played goalkeeper and did not do badly, he had his fifteen minutes of fame but he tells it like he was about to sign for Bayern Munich.
- What did you call the team? - I asked him while laughing
- Real Saciedad - He answered me while he was getting wild of laghing.
Marta left work at 19.00 every day and Real Saciedad's training sessions would be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 19.30 to 21.00 and that would justify getting home at 22.30, putting the shirt she hadn't sweated in the washing machine and going to bed without talking to her girlfriend. Two days later he would do the same but this time with the other T-shirt. A simple, effective and perfectly orchestrated plan. On Saturdays he would play at 11 o'clock and then have a few beers with the team. All fictitious, well, the beers were real.
I told him that he could come home as often as he wanted and he thanked me even though he said he couldn't. What he did ¨on training days¨ was go to his Ford Fiesta car with a litre of beer and a few joints, he would put on loud music and enjoy the moment of being with himself and on Saturdays he would drive randomly around towns in the Madrid region, he would have a few beers dressed as a goalkeeper, with the number one and with his name silk-screened on it. Agustín