Getting Started: An Introduction to Basic Spanish Vocabulary

¡Hola, Super Learners!
It's Miguel Marina, your go-to Spanish Super Tutor, ready to sprinkle some spice into your language learning routine! Before we embark on this linguistic adventure, let's not forget to hit the subscribe button on our newsletter. Our daily emails are like little piñatas of knowledge, bursting with Spanish goodies for our ever-growing community!
Now, let's break the ice with our joke of the day:
Why did the Spanish words stage a protest? They wanted to be spoken with more acento!
¿Por qué las palabras españolas organizaron una protesta? ¡Querían que se les hablara con más acento!
Oh, apologies for that pun, but every good language lesson should come with a grin, right? 😄
Today, we're going back to basics with an introduction to some fundamental Spanish vocabulary. These are your building blocks, the essential words that will form the foundation of your Spanish conversations.
Greetings (Saludos):
Hola (Hello)
Buenos días (Good morning)
Buenas tardes (Good afternoon)
Buenas noches (Good evening/night)
Numbers (Números):
Uno (One)
Dos (Two)
Tres (Three)
Cuatro (Four)
Cinco (Five)
Colors (Colores):
Rojo (Red)
Azul (Blue)
Verde (Green)
Amarillo (Yellow)
Negro (Black)
Days of the Week (Días de la Semana):
Lunes (Monday)
Martes (Tuesday)
Miércoles (Wednesday)
Jueves (Thursday)
Viernes (Friday)
Sábado (Saturday)
Domingo (Sunday)
Family Members (Miembros de la Familia):
Madre (Mother)
Padre (Father)
Hermano (Brother)
Hermana (Sister)
Abuela (Grandmother)
Abuelo (Grandfather)
Common Verbs (Verbos Comunes):
Ser (To be)
Tener (To have)
Hacer (To do/make)
Ir (To go)
Decir (To say/tell)
Mastering these basics will help you navigate a multitude of situations. And remember, as you practice, you'll be building the confidence to string these words into sentences and eventually, engaging conversations.
Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel ( for visual learning and our Spotify podcast ( where you can learn Spanish from scratch, even on the move.
With daily classes and a team of qualified teachers, each with their unique accent, you'll be understanding and speaking Spanish like a local in no time. It's like having a passport to all the Spanish-speaking worlds!
So, Super Learners, remember, "Si estás buscando clases online de español en internet puedes encontrar muchas, pero si lo que quieres es aprender español, Spanish Super Tutor."
Stay curious, keep practicing, and let's turn you into a Spanish-speaking superhero!
Adiós for now, and let the power of vocabulary be with you on this epic learning quest!
Miguel Marina (The Spanish Super Tutor)