Conjugation Confusion: Simplifying Spanish Verb Conjugation

Hola, Super Learners!
It's Miguel Marina, The Spanish Super Tutor, here to help you conquer the mountain of Spanish verb conjugation. But first things first, if you haven't already, join the thousands who are beefing up their español every day with our newsletter. It's like a Spanish workout for your inbox!
Now, hold onto your sombreros, because it's joke time:
What did one Spanish verb say to the other when they were getting conjugated? "We're tense!"
¿Qué le dijo un verbo a otro al ser conjugados? "¡Estamos tensos!"
I apologize for the pun – I'm just trying to "conjugate" a little humor into your day! 😉
So, verb conjugation can feel like a labyrinth, but fear not! With our trusty guide, you'll be breezing through it like a pro. And don't forget to hit up our YouTube channel ( for video guides and our Spotify podcast ( to practice on the go.
Conjugation is all about who's doing the action and when. The key is to start simple:
Present Tense:
AR Verbs: "Hablar" (to speak)
Yo hablo (I speak)
Tú hablas (You speak)
Él/Ella/Usted habla (He/She/You formal speak)
Nosotros hablamos (We speak)
Vosotros habláis (You all speak - Spain)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes hablan (They/You all formal speak)
ER Verbs: "Comer" (to eat)
Yo como (I eat)
Tú comes (You eat)
Él/Ella/Usted come (He/She/You formal eat)
Nosotros comemos (We eat)
Vosotros coméis (You all eat - Spain)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes comen (They/You all formal eat)
IR Verbs: "Vivir" (to live)
Yo vivo (I live)
Tú vives (You live)
Él/Ella/Usted vive (He/She/You formal live)
Nosotros vivimos (We live)
Vosotros vivís (You all live - Spain)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes viven (They/You all formal live)
Top Tips for Simplifying Conjugation:
Learn the regular patterns first. Mastering regular verbs will give you a solid foundation.
Group irregular verbs together. Many share common irregularities!
Practice, practice, practice. Use flashcards, apps, or our daily emails to keep your skills sharp.
Remember, our team of native-speaking teachers offers classes every day, each with a different accent to help you get a feel for the variety of the Spanish language. This is key to understanding and being understood no matter where your Spanish adventures take you!
As we wrap up this conjugation fiesta, never forget that "Si estás buscando clases online de español en internet puedes encontrar muchas, pero si lo que quieres es aprender español, Spanish Super Tutor."
Keep on conjugating, Super Learners, and soon you'll be flexing those verb muscles like it's nothing.
¡Hasta la próxima, y que la conjugación sea siempre tu aliada en el camino del español!
Miguel Marina (The Spanish Super Tutor)