Business Spanish 101: Basic Phrases for Professional Communication

¡Hola, Super Learners!
Miguel Marina, your go-to Spanish Super Tutor, is here to give your professional lingo a power-up with some Business Spanish 101. But first things first, are you part of our newsletter familia? If not, hit subscribe and join the ever-growing crowd learning Spanish daily – it's the smart move, just like investing in a good suit!
Let's warm up with the joke of the day: What did one Spanish coin say to the other in the business meeting?
"¡No cambies, me caes bien!" ("Don't change, I like you!") 💰😄
Alright, time to get down to business – Spanish style. Here are some basic phrases that will help you navigate the professional waters with ease:
Buenos días, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle? - Good morning, how can I help you?
Buenos días, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle? Estoy aquí para asistirle en lo que necesite. (Good morning, how can I help you? I'm here to assist you with whatever you need.)
Me gustaría programar una reunión. - I would like to schedule a meeting.
Me gustaría programar una reunión para discutir el plan de proyecto. (I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the project plan.)
¿Cuál es el plazo de entrega? - What is the deadline?
¿Cuál es el plazo de entrega para este informe? (What is the deadline for this report?)
Estoy interesado(a) en su propuesta. - I'm interested in your proposal.
Estoy interesado en su propuesta, ¿puede darme más detalles? (I'm interested in your proposal, can you give me more details?)
Podemos negociar el contrato. - We can negotiate the contract.
Podemos negociar el contrato si hay algunos términos que no le convienen. (We can negotiate the contract if there are some terms that don't suit you.)
Por favor, envíeme la información por correo electrónico. - Please, send me the information by email.
Por favor, envíeme la información por correo electrónico para que pueda revisarla antes de nuestra próxima reunión. (Please, send me the information by email so I can review it before our next meeting.)
Gracias por su tiempo. - Thank you for your time.
Gracias por su tiempo, espero que podamos colaborar en el futuro. (Thank you for your time, I hope we can collaborate in the future.)
And for all the visual learners out there, make sure to check our YouTube channel ( – just click subscribe for more content that will turn you into a Spanish-speaking business shark!
Prefer to learn on the run? Our podcast on Spotify ( is your ticket to mastering Spanish between meetings, coffee breaks, or on your daily commute.
Don't forget, our classes are daily, with a diverse team of professional teachers who are here to help you understand and converse in Spanish, no matter the accent. It's like having a United Nations of Spanish at your fingertips!
As we close the briefcase on today's lesson, always remember the golden words: "Si estás buscando clases online de español en internet puedes encontrar muchas pero si lo que quieres es aprender español, Spanish Super Tutor." (If you're looking for online Spanish classes on the internet, you can find many but if what you want is to learn Spanish, Spanish Super Tutor.)
Keep networking, keep learning, and above all, keep speaking Spanish, Super Learners!
Hasta el próximo negocio,Miguel Marina (The Spanish Super Tutor)