Another 10 Basic Spanish Phrases You Should Know
Another 10 Basic Spanish Phrases You Should Know
Hello to all Spanish lovers!
At our successful Spanish Super Tutor school in Hong Kong, we strive to provide an enriching and memorable learning experience. Our group classes have been highly praised for their innovative approach and for the way they combine effective study and fun.

Continuing our commitment to help you improve your Spanish skills, here are another 10 basic Spanish phrases that every student should know. These phrases will help you expand your vocabulary and feel more confident when speaking Spanish.
Buenos días - A formal way to say "good morning".
Buenas tardes - A greeting for after midday and before night.
Buenas noches - Used for both "good evening" and "good night".
¿Qué hora es? - A way to ask for the time.
Tengo hambre - A way to express that you are hungry.
Estoy perdido - A useful phrase for when you don't know where you are.
¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? - A useful question when you want to pay by card.
¿Cuál es tu nombre? - A formal way to ask someone's name.
¿Puedes ayudarme? - A way to ask for help.
Hasta luego - A common way to say goodbye.
These are just some of the many phrases we explore in our group classes. With the guidance of our expert teachers, you will have plenty of opportunities to practice and perfect your Spanish in a fun-filled environment.
If you haven't experienced our group classes yet, we invite you to join us and discover why our students love us so much. You will not only learn Spanish, but you will also enjoy every minute of your learning journey.
We look forward to seeing you in our next Spanish course!
See you soon and keep practicing!
Meta Title: Spanish Super Tutor: Learn and Master Another 10 Basic Spanish Phrases Keywords: Spanish Super Tutor, learn Spanish, group classes, basic Spanish phrases, Spanish school in Hong Kong, learning journey, practice Spanish, Spanish vocabulary, Spanish greetings.