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5 Expressions with the verb DAR in Spanish that you should know

Writer's picture: Spanish Online LessonsSpanish Online Lessons

Verb DAR (TO GIVE) in general means to give, give away or offer something to someone, this is the most common and general use of this verb, but there are many more meanings and, above all, expressions with this verb.

Today I want to GIVE you 5 expressions that we natives use with this verb that you should know, and I encourage you to practice them in your Spanish conversations so that it will be much easier for you to learn them.

Dar algo

Ofrecer, entregar

  • ¿Me das un beso?

  • Dale tu teléfono por favor

  • Nosotros le dimos el balón al niño

Normally this verb is accompanied by the pronouns of indirect complement since it is someone who gives something to another person or persons.

Dar Pena/asco/vergüenza/miedo...

In this case the verb dar is used like the verb gustar to make these constructions, dar is used with these nouns to express feelings. For example, the verb dar is used with these nouns to express feelings.

  • Me da pena ver a los pobres en la calle

  • A Arturo le dio tanto asco la comida que vomitó

  • Nos da vergüenza que siempre pagues tú

  • Les da miedo correr los encierros

Darse de alta /baja

Registering or cancelling your relationship with something or someone, usually a professional or business relationship. It is a reflexive verb so we must be careful with pronouns.

  • Juan se ha dado de baja de las clases de inglés

  • Da de alta a Marcelo que empieza a trabajar con nosotros

  • Le distes de baja sin consultar

Dar la gana

Expresses and desire and like Pena/asco/vergüenza/miedo...... functions as the verb gustar and is normally used in the negative.

  • No me da la gana comer a las 4

  • Ella se fue de la clase porque le dio la gana

Darle (a alguien) por + infinitivo

To suddenly start doing something that one did not used to do before. It expresses arbitrary will and is used when someone starts doing something frequently that they did not do before.

  • Me ha dado por comer palomitas todas las noches

  • Nos ha dado por estudiar todas las noches juntos

  • A Carlos le ha dado por hablarnos en inglés

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