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25 household chores verbs you should know

¡Hola Super Learners!

Welcome back to another exciting post on Spanish Super Tutor! Today, we are diving into the domestic sphere to boost your Spanish vocabulary. Understanding household tasks is not only practical for daily conversation but also enriches your cultural comprehension. Let's explore together the essential verbs you need to know for housework!

25 household chores verbs you should know
25 household chores verbs you should know

1. Watch the video with all the verbs and conjugation.

25 Essential Spanish Verbs for Household Tasks

  1. Barrer (to sweep)

  • "Necesito barrer el piso de la cocina." (I need to sweep the kitchen floor.) Sweeping is a fundamental task to keep floors clean.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo barro, tú barres, él/ella barre, nosotros barremos, vosotros barréis, ellos/ellas barren

  1. Fregar (to scrub or to mop)

  • "Voy a fregar los platos después de cenar." (I'm going to scrub the dishes after dinner.) This verb is versatile, used for cleaning dishes or floors.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo friego, tú friegas, él/ella friega, nosotros fregamos, vosotros fregáis, ellos/ellas friegan

  1. Lavar (to wash)

  • "Es hora de lavar la ropa." (It's time to wash the clothes.) Washing can refer to clothes, dishes, or even your car.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo lavo, tú lavas, él/ella lava, nosotros lavamos, vosotros laváis, ellos/ellas lavan

  1. Limpiar (to clean)

  • "Debo limpiar las ventanas este fin de semana." (I should clean the windows this weekend.) A general term for cleaning any part of the house.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo limpio, tú limpias, él/ella limpia, nosotros limpiamos, vosotros limpiáis, ellos/ellas limpian

  1. Ordenar (to tidy up)

  • "Vamos a ordenar la sala antes de que lleguen los invitados." (Let's tidy up the living room before the guests arrive.) Essential for maintaining a neat and welcoming home.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo ordeno, tú ordenas, él/ella ordena, nosotros ordenamos, vosotros ordenáis, ellos/ellas ordenan

  1. Sacudir (to dust)

  • "No olvides sacudir los muebles." (Don't forget to dust the furniture.) Dusting is crucial for keeping the house allergen-free.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo sacudo, tú sacudes, él/ella sacude, nosotros sacudimos, vosotros sacudís, ellos/ellas sacuden

  1. Aspirar (to vacuum)

  • "Necesito aspirar la alfombra hoy." (I need to vacuum the carpet today.) A powerful tool for removing dirt from carpets and floors.

  • Conjugation in Present Tense:

  • yo aspiro, tú aspiras, él/ella aspira, nosotros aspiramos, vosotros aspiráis, ellos/ellas aspiran

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Miguel Marina

Spanish Super Tutor

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