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20 Essential Spanish Verbs for Expressing Negative Opinions, Doubts, Hypotheses, and Wishes

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20 Essential Spanish Verbs for Expressing Negative Opinions, Doubts, Hypotheses, and Wishes

20 Essential Spanish Verbs for Expressing Negative Opinions, Doubts, Hypotheses, and Wishes
20 Essential Spanish Verbs for Expressing Negative Opinions, Doubts, Hypotheses, and Wishes

Mastering the Spanish language involves understanding how to express a wide range of emotions and thoughts, including negative opinions, doubts, hypotheses, and wishes. These expressions often trigger the use of the subjunctive mood, a crucial component of advanced Spanish. In this post, we'll explore 30 verbs that will help you articulate these nuanced ideas effectively.

Verbs for Expressing Negative Opinions

1. No pensar (to not think)Example: "Él no piensa que sea una buena idea." (He doesn't think it's a good idea.)

2. No creer (to not believe)Example: "Ella no cree que él sea capaz." (She doesn't believe he is capable.)

3. No considerar (to not consider)Example: "Él no considera que sea necesario." (He doesn't consider it necessary.)

4. No estar convencido (to not be convinced)Example: "Ella no está convencida de que funcione." (She is not convinced that it will work.)

5. No ver (to not see)Example: "Él no ve que haya una solución fácil." (He doesn't see an easy solution.)

6. No suponer (to not suppose)Example: "Ella no supone que vayan a aceptar." (She doesn't suppose they will accept.)

Verbs for Expressing Doubts

7. Dudar (to doubt)Example: "Él duda que sea verdad." (He doubts it is true.)

8. Desconfiar (to distrust)Example: "Ella desconfía de que sean honestos." (She distrusts that they are honest.)

9. Sospechar (to suspect)Example: "Él sospecha que algo está mal." (He suspects something is wrong.)

10. Temer (to fear)Example: "Ella teme que no estén preparados." (She fears they are not prepared.)

Verbs for Expressing Hypotheses

11. Imaginar (to imagine)Example: "Él imagina que podría ser diferente." (He imagines it could be different.)

12. Prever (to foresee)Example: "Ella prevé que habrá obstáculos." (She foresees there will be obstacles.)

13. Presuponer (to presume)Example: "Él presupone que habrá retrasos." (He presumes there will be delays.)

14. Conjeturar (to conjecture)Example: "Ella conjetura que el plan puede fallar." (She conjectures that the plan might fail.)

15. Asumir (to assume)Example: "Él asume que tendrán que cambiar la estrategia." (He assumes they will have to change the strategy.)

Verbs for Expressing Wishes

16. Esperar (to hope)Example: "Él espera que ella entienda." (He hopes she understands.)

17. Desear (to wish)Example: "Ella desea que todo salga bien." (She wishes everything goes well.)

18. Querer (to want)Example: "Él quiere que ella sea feliz, aunque no estén juntos." (He wants her to be happy, even though they are not together.)

19. Anhelar (to long for)Example: "Ella anhela que regresen los días de paz." (She longs for the days of peace to return.)

20. Pedir (to ask for)Example: "Él pide que sean más comprensivos." (He asks that they be more understanding.)

These verbs are your gateway to expressing complex thoughts and emotions in Spanish. At Spanish Super Tutor, we are committed to helping you master these expressions. Whether you need a private session to practice these skills or just have a quick question, feel free to reach out!

Miguel MarinaSpanish Super Tutor

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