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10 Verbs to Express Opinions in Spanish Using the Subjunctive

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10 Verbs to Express Opinions in Spanish Using the Subjunctive

10 Verbs to Express Opinions in Spanish Using the Subjunctive
10 Verbs to Express Opinions in Spanish Using the Subjunctive

Expressing opinions in Spanish often involves the subjunctive, especially when those opinions are not about definite facts but about beliefs, feelings, or hypothetical scenarios. Here are ten essential verbs that will help you share your thoughts and opinions effectively in Spanish.

1. Pensar (to think)This verb is commonly used to express what one thinks about a situation or idea.Example: "Pienso que deberías intentarlo, aunque parezca difícil." (I think you should try it, even though it seems difficult.)

2. Creer (to believe)It is used to express beliefs or convictions about something.Example: "Creo que podríamos mejorar si trabajamos juntos." (I believe we could improve if we work together.)

3. Considerar (to consider)This verb allows you to weigh options or possibilities.Example: "Considero que es mejor empezar mañana." (I consider it better to start tomorrow.)

4. Opinar (to opine, to give an opinion)Directly used to state an opinion.Example: "Opino que esta es la mejor solución al problema." (I opine that this is the best solution to the problem.)

5. Suponer (to suppose, to assume)Used for assumptions or suppositions that are not confirmed.Example: "Supongo que estarás cansado después del viaje." (I suppose you will be tired after the trip.)

6. Estimar (to estimate, to regard)Often used in formal contexts to express an estimation or valuation.Example: "Estimo necesario informar a todos los interesados." (I regard it necessary to inform all interested parties.)

7. Asumir (to assume)This can imply a bit more certainty than 'suponer'.Example: "Asumo que todos están de acuerdo con el plan." (I assume that everyone agrees with the plan.)

8. Sugerir (to suggest)Used when proposing ideas or actions to someone.Example: "Sugiero que revisemos todos los documentos cuidadosamente." (I suggest that we review all the documents carefully.)

9. Prever (to foresee, to anticipate)Utilized when anticipating what might happen.Example: "Preveo que tendremos dificultades con este proyecto." (I foresee that we will have difficulties with this project.)

10. Esperar (to hope, to expect)It can express both hope and expectation.Example: "Espero que puedas venir a la reunión mañana." (I hope you can come to the meeting tomorrow.)

Mastering these verbs will not only expand your vocabulary but also enhance your ability to engage in more complex discussions in Spanish. Each verb opens a new dimension of expression, allowing you to convey subtleties in your opinions and assumptions.

At Spanish Super Tutor, we are passionate about helping you express yourself confidently in Spanish. Our tailored classes focus on practical language skills that suit your personal or professional needs. Feel free to reach out for a private lesson or consult us anytime for free advice.

Miguel Marina

Spanish Super Tutor

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