10 Verbs of Doubt in Spanish to Master the Subjunctive
Hello Super Learners!
10 Verbs of Doubt in Spanish to Master the Subjunctive
Doubt is a nuanced emotion and expressing it properly in Spanish requires a good grasp of certain verbs. These verbs automatically set the stage for the subjunctive, allowing you to communicate uncertainty, skepticism, or disbelief. Let’s dive into these verbs and see how they can be used effectively in your Spanish conversations.

1. Dudar (to doubt)This verb is the cornerstone of expressing doubt.Example: "Dudo que él pueda terminar el trabajo hoy." (I doubt that he can finish the work today.)
2. Negar (to deny)Used to express denial, it often triggers the subjunctive.Example: "Niego que eso sea verdad." (I deny that that is true.)
3. No creer (to not believe)It’s used to express disbelief.Example: "No creo que hayan llegado aún." (I don't believe they have arrived yet.)
4. No estar seguro/a (to not be sure)This phrase expresses uncertainty.Example: "No estoy seguro de que sea la mejor decisión." (I'm not sure that it's the best decision.)
5. No pensar (to not think)Similar to 'no creer', this is used to express that something is not considered likely.Example: "No pienso que la propuesta sea adecuada." (I don't think the proposal is appropriate.)
6. Sospechar (to suspect)This verb implies doubt but with a hint of intuition.Example: "Sospecho que algo no está bien aquí." (I suspect that something is not right here.)
7. Desconfiar (to distrust)Used when there is a lack of trust or confidence.Example: "Desconfío de sus intenciones." (I distrust his intentions.)
8. Cuestionar (to question)This verb is used when questioning the validity or truth of something.Example: "Cuestiono que eso pueda suceder." (I question whether that can happen.)
9. No asegurar (to not assure)Used to indicate that one cannot vouch for something.Example: "No aseguro que vaya a ser fácil." (I can't assure that it will be easy.)
10. Temer (to fear)Although primarily meaning 'to fear', it can also imply doubt about undesirable outcomes.Example: "Temo que no lleguemos a tiempo." (I fear that we won't arrive on time.)
Understanding these verbs and how they trigger the subjunctive in Spanish allows you to express doubt with precision and clarity. Each verb opens different shades of doubt, from mild suspicion to strong denial.
At Spanish Super Tutor, we are committed to helping you master all facets of the Spanish language, including expressing doubts like a native! Remember, our personalized classes are designed to address your specific needs, and you are always welcome to reach out for free consultations.
Miguel Marina
Spanish Super Tutor
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Keywords, Tags, and Hashtags:
Verbs of doubt in Spanish
Using the subjunctive in Spanish
Advanced Spanish skills
Spanish communication strategies
#SpanishSuperTutor #LearnSpanish #SpanishDoubtVerbs #MasterSpanish #SpanishSubjunctive