10 Expressions with the Verb "Cantar" in Spanish
10 Expressions with the Verb "Cantar" in Spanish
The Spanish verb "cantar" primarily means "to sing". However, it is also used in several idiomatic expressions. Here are ten common expressions with "cantar".

1. Cantar las cuarenta
This phrase translates to "to sing the forty". It means to scold someone or to tell them off.
Example: Mi madre me cantó las cuarenta cuando llegué tarde a casa.
2. Cantar victoria
This phrase means "to sing victory", which is used when someone celebrates too soon.
Example: No cantes victoria todavía, aún queda mucho partido por jugar.
3. Cantar claro
This phrase means "to sing clearly", it is used when someone speaks frankly or straightforwardly.
Example: Si tienes algo que decir, canta claro.
4. Más claro que el agua
This phrase translates to "clearer than water", it is used to say that something is very obvious.
Example: Sus intenciones son más claras que el agua, él quiere ser el jefe.
5. Cantarle a alguien las verdades
This phrase means "to sing the truths to someone", it refers to the action of telling someone some harsh truths about themselves.
Example: Voy a cantarle las verdades a Pedro, él necesita escucharlas.
6. Cantar a duo
This phrase means "to sing as a duet", and it's used when two people work together on something.
Example: Vamos a cantar a duo en la presentación del colegio.
7. Cantarle a la luna
This phrase means "to sing to the moon". It is used to describe someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention.
Example: Deja de cantarle a la luna y presta atención en clase.
8. Cantar como un gallo
This phrase means "to sing like a rooster", and it's used to describe someone who does not sing well.
Example: No debería ir a concursos de canto, canto como un gallo.
9. Cantar como un ruiseñor
This phrase means "to sing like a nightingale", and it's used to describe someone who sings very well.
Example: Maria canta como un ruiseñor, su voz es hermosa.
10. Cantar por soleares
This phrase refers to the act of complaining a lot.
Example: Juan no hace más que cantar por soleares sobre su trabajo.
Understanding these expressions with "cantar" will help you to communicate more naturally in Spanish.
Meta Description:
Discover 10 common Spanish expressions with the verb "Cantar". Enhance your Spanish language skills and sound more like a native speaker with these idiomatic phrases.