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10 Diseases You Should Know in Spanish

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10 Diseases You Should Know in Spanish

Hello, Super Learners! Today’s post is particularly valuable for anyone interested in health and wellness or for those who may be traveling to Spanish-speaking countries. It's crucial to be informed about common diseases and how to talk about them in Spanish. This knowledge could be lifesaving and will definitely enhance your language skills for real-world situations.

We'll explore ten diseases, their symptoms, and provide you with essential vocabulary. This is not only about enriching your Spanish lexicon but also about empowering you with the language needed for potential medical situations. Plus, don't forget that Spanish Super Tutor offers personalized lessons and free consultations to help you with specific topics like health-related vocabulary.

1. La gripe (The Flu)

Influenza, or the flu, is a common viral infection that affects the nose, throat, and lungs.

Example 1: "Tengo fiebre y me duele el cuerpo, creo que tengo la gripe." (I have a fever and body aches, I think I have the flu.)

Está en cama con fiebre alta; los síntomas apuntan a la gripe.

(He's in bed with a high fever; the symptoms point to the flu.)

2. La diabetes (Diabetes)

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how your body turns food into energy.

Example 2: "Debe controlar su nivel de azúcar debido a la diabetes." (He must control his sugar level due to diabetes.)

Su médico le recomendó cambiar su dieta para manejar mejor la diabetes.

(Her doctor recommended changing her diet to better manage diabetes.)

3. La hipertensión (Hypertension)

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.

Example 3: "La hipertensión puede ser peligrosa si no se trata." (Hypertension can be dangerous if not treated.)

Le diagnosticaron hipertensión y ahora debe tomar medicación diariamente.

(He was diagnosed with hypertension and now must take medication daily.)

4. El asma (Asthma)

Asthma is a common long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs.

Example 4: "Utiliza un inhalador para controlar el asma." (She uses an inhaler to control asthma.)

El asma le dificulta respirar cuando hace ejercicio.

(Asthma makes it hard for him to breathe when he exercises.)

5. La depresión (Depression)

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

Example 5: "La depresión puede afectar a cualquier persona." (Depression can affect anyone.)

Después de meses de sentirse triste, fue diagnosticada con depresión.

(After months of feeling sad, she was diagnosed with depression.)

6. La obesidad (Obesity)

Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.

Example 6: "La obesidad aumenta el riesgo de otras enfermedades." (Obesity increases the risk of other diseases.)

La obesidad es un problema de salud pública en muchos países.

(Obesity is a public health problem in many countries.)

7. El cáncer (Cancer)

Cancer is a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.

Example 7: "El cáncer es una enfermedad que puede tener diferentes tratamientos." (Cancer is a disease that can have different treatments.)

Su tía está en tratamiento para el cáncer de mama.

(Her aunt is undergoing treatment for breast cancer.)

8. La enfermedad de Alzheimer (Alzheimer's Disease)

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away and die.

Example 8: "La enfermedad de Alzheimer afecta la memoria." (Alzheimer's disease affects memory.)

El abuelo tiene Alzheimer y poco a poco está perdiendo sus recuerdos.

(Grandfather has Alzheimer's and is slowly losing his memories.)

9. La artritis (Arthritis)

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints.

Example 9: "La artritis puede limitar el movimiento de las articulaciones." (Arthritis can limit the movement of the joints.)

Su madre sufre de artritis y a veces no puede abrir frascos.

(His mother suffers from arthritis and sometimes can't open jars.)

10. La migraña (Migraine)

A migraine is a powerful headache that often happens with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.

Example 10: "La migraña me impide concentrarme en el trabajo." (The migraine prevents me from concentrating at work.)Ella tiene que oscurecer la habitación cuando le viene una migraña.(She has to darken the room when she gets a migraine.)

Vocabulary List: Enfermedades y Síntomas

Remember, Super Learners, expanding your vocabulary is key to becoming proficient in Spanish. Here’s a list of words related to diseases and symptoms that will be incredibly useful:

  • Enfermedad (Disease)

  • Síntoma (Symptom)

  • Fiebre (Fever)

  • Tos (Cough)

  • Dolor de cabeza (Headache)

  • Náuseas (Nausea)

  • Fatiga (Fatigue)

  • Pérdida de apetito (Loss of appetite)

  • Tratamiento (Treatment)

  • Medicación (Medication)

Why Knowing Medical Spanish is Beneficial

Being able to communicate health issues in Spanish is not just about vocabulary; it's about being prepared for real-life situations. Whether you're traveling, working in a healthcare setting, or just want to be able to help someone in need, knowing these terms could be essential.

Don't forget, at Spanish Super Tutor, we tailor our lessons to fit your needs. If you want to dive deeper into medical Spanish or any other topic, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Learning Spanish: More Than Just Vocabulary

Learning a new language like Spanish is exciting and opens up a world of opportunities. Remember, it’s not just about memorizing words; it's about understanding the culture, the nuances, and being able to connect with people on a deeper level. Our daily emails at Spanish Super Tutor will ensure your Spanish improves by leaps and bounds, so make sure to subscribe!

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In today's world, learning Spanish is easier than ever with countless online classes, free resources, and many teachers. However, what sets Spanish Super Tutor apart is our dedication to tracking our students' progress and providing consistent support to ensure you achieve your Spanish learning goals.

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Stay healthy and informed, Super Learners! Keep practicing your Spanish, and don't hesitate to reach out for a private class on any topic you've read about today or for a totally free consultation with Spanish Super Tutor.

Miguel Marina

Spanish Super Tutor


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