10 Different Ways to Say "Going to Sleep" in Spanish
Introduction:Hello, Spanish Super Tutor viewers! Today's lesson is all about sleep — but more specifically, how to talk about it. Whether you're wrapping up a night of studying or telling a story, knowing different expressions for "going to sleep" can add color to your Spanish. Without further ado, let's explore ten different ways to say "ir a dormir" along with their English translations.
1. Acostarse
Translation: To go to bed
Example: "Después de un largo día, solo pienso en acostarme."Example Translation: "After a long day, I can only think about going to bed."
2. Retirarse a descansar
Translation: To retire to rest
Example: "Es tarde, me voy a retirar a descansar."Example Translation: "It's late, I'm going to retire to rest."
3. Dormirse
Translation: To fall asleep
Example: "En cuanto me acuesto, me duermo enseguida."Example Translation: "As soon as I lie down, I fall asleep right away."
4. Irse a la cama
Translation: To go to bed
Example: "Los niños ya se fueron a la cama."Example Translation: "The kids have already gone to bed."
5. Echarse a dormir
Translation: To lie down to sleep
Example: "Después del almuerzo, me gusta echarme a dormir un rato."Example Translation: "After lunch, I like to lie down to sleep for a while."
6. Irse a los brazos de Morfeo
Translation: To go into the arms of Morpheus (poetic)
Example: "Ya es muy noche, es hora de irse a los brazos de Morfeo."Example Translation: "It's very late, it's time to go into the arms of Morpheus."
7. Irse a la horizontal
Translation: To go horizontal (informal)
Example: "Estoy tan cansado que me iré a la horizontal ahora mismo."Example Translation: "I'm so tired that I'm going horizontal right now."
8. Irse a las pestañas
Translation: To hit the hay (colloquial)
Example: "Mañana tengo que levantarme temprano, así que me voy a las pestañas."Example Translation: "I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm hitting the hay."
9. Despedirse por hoy
Translation: To say goodbye for today
Example: "Ha sido un día productivo, me despido por hoy y me voy a dormir."Example Translation: "It's been a productive day, I say goodbye for today and I'm going to sleep."
10. Sumirse en el sueño
Translation: To sink into sleep
Example: "En cuanto apoyo la cabeza en la almohada, me sumo en el sueño."Example Translation: "As soon as my head hits the pillow, I sink into sleep."
Conclusion:Now you have a variety of expressions to use when talking about going to sleep in Spanish. Each one gives a slightly different shade of meaning, from the poetic to the colloquial. Try using these phrases in your conversations to enrich your Spanish skills. And now, it might be the perfect time for me to say, "Me retiro a descansar." Good night and happy learning!